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Digital health & MedTech: New signals for transformation

ottobre 25, 2022 5-minuti di lettura


In brief

Digital health & MedTech: New signals for transformation

Approximately 30% of deals within the Medical Device and Digital Health segments are non-traditional, indicating that MedTech is breaking out of its historically conservative reputation and embracing digital innovation.

Through our research, we found that five key trends are driving future growth:

1. The consumer patient

Patients have become the consumers and are actively demanding and receiving healthcare consistent with their broader expectations for non-healthcare.

2. Care anywhere, everywhere

As the Consumer Patient demands care anywhere and everywhere, healthcare is increasingly expanding from hospitals to ambulatory and at-home care.

3. The rise of digital

The Digital Health agenda has become a priority for the C-Suite to continuously generate insights and expand services and products throughout the patient care continuum.

4. Converging sectors

Digital Health is fueling non-traditional deals, with various sectors converging to develop products and services across the entire care pathway.

5. New regulatory pathways

Digitization of health may fall outside the bounds of established regulatory pathways for untested technologies, requiring new approaches from the sector.


of respondents agree that future success will depend on companies targeting the entire care pathway rather than specific products and services.


of MedTech executives expect expanding care settings and models to significantly reorient their firm’s long-term strategy and change business models.


of deals within Med Device & Digital Health (2017-2021) are non-traditional.

Laura Westercamp

Managing Director – Future Business Model Lead, Life Sciences & MedTech

Selen Karaca-Griffin

Senior Principal – Life Sciences, Research Global Lead

Andrea Para

Senior Manager – Strategy & Consulting, MedTech, Industry X


Related capabilities

MedTech consulting

Working with Medical Technology companies to develop solutions across the patient’s entire healthcare journey.

Life sciences

Helping our clients make a meaningful impact on patients’ lives through New Science, novel medical technologies and better collaboration.

Digital health

Implementing innovative digital health strategies to fundamentally change the consumer experience.