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Talent & Organization

The leaders and culture you need to create your future

Your executive leaders face complex decisions every day. Help them grow and evolve their leadership to meet changing demands from the enterprises they are leading, so they can create value in a digitally dynamic world.

Why leadership and culture matter

Only 30%

of workers see a link between their work and their company’s broader purpose.


of CEOs know that things need to change but are reluctant to pursue work models and approaches that differ from those used in the past.


more human potential is unlocked by leaders who better manage people’s everyday work experiences.

Only 26%

of CEOs are ready to reconsider using organizational purpose, worker experience and technology to shape a better future of work.

What you can do

CEO and C-suite appointments have far-reaching impacts, from share price to critical talent retention. Think about the leadership you need for the future, and invest in identifying and developing successors to mitigate risks and smooth transitions.

With the right data and behavioral insights, you can assess the strength, development and potential of your leaders, for now and for the future.

Your leaders are feeling the weight of disruption. They have little time to think, let alone develop their leadership skills to keep pace with the change around them. Dedicate time to your leaders’ growth if you want them to lead enterprise growth.

Turn your A players into an A team. It’s not enough to bring together high-performing individuals. You need to invest in the core operating processes and relational dynamics of team performance.

Boards need to demonstrate foresight as well as oversight. Help board members keep up with a rapidly changing landscape. Help them bring more than individual expertise by investing in the dynamics of the board to enhance their collective leadership.

Create powerful leadership development engagements. Give them the self-awareness and relevant experiences to grow into the leaders you need to transform your enterprise.

Close the gap between your strategic plan and the mindsets and behaviors of your people. Start by identifying what really matters. Then, equip your leaders, enable your people and align your systems to make it a reality.

Inclusive, diverse and equitable organizations have a greater variety of people, ideas and experiences to draw from — making them far more innovative. Embed ID&E across your enterprise to boost belonging, creativity and collaboration everywhere.

360° VALUE

Our people help us deliver on the promise of technology and human ingenuity.

Our leaders

Susannah Yule

Managing Director – Leadership & Culture, Global Co-Lead and Head of Americas

Nicola Tavender

Managing Director – Leadership & Culture, Global Co-lead and Head of EMEA

Felicity Davis

Managing Director – Leadership & Culture, Head of Asia Pacific